What the research is saying……. Top Sport Hypnosis reads, reviews, and studies research papers or journals on how hypnosis studies have been carried out to incorporate these findings with your sessions for success. Sports Self-Efficacy in Sport PerformanceFlow States and GolfFlows states with Basketball Hypnosis in the Clutch Sleep Deepening Sleep by Hypnotic SuggestionsHypnosis Intervention Effects on Sleep OutcomesEffectiveness of Self Hypnosis to Overcome InsomniaHypnosis for Restorative Sleep Stress Reduce Stress and Increase MindfulnessStage Fright StressTeacher StressMaternal Stress Weight Loss and Diet Effectiveness of hypnosis to weight managementHypnosis to cognitive-behavior treatmentEffectiveness of hypnosis as an intervention for obesityHypnotherapy in weight loss treatment